When you enter in the Narthex, an usher will give you a leaflet that will guide you through the service and tell you what book to use and when. The primary service book, which has a red cover, is called the Book of Common Prayer. It contains all the services authorized for use in the Episcopal Church in addition to many other helpful resources.
Our hymnal, which has a blue cover, is used at 10:30 a.m. for congregational singing. We also use Lift Every Voice and Sing as another hymnal in our services.
Also in the pews are visitor’s cards. We encourage you to fill one out and put it in the offering plate when it is passed to you. This way we can send you more information about St. Michael’s and put you in touch with a member or our rector, if you wish.
How will I know when to stand, sit, or kneel?
Generally, we stand to sing, recite the Creed, for the reading of the Gospel, and to pray. We sit while the Bible is being read, during the sermon, announcements, and when the choir is singing. During the prayers, most people in the congregation kneel, although some people prefer to stand – either is appropriate. But please do not worry about doing the wrong thing at the wrong time – what matters is your communion with God during the service!
Receiving the Eucharist
The center of our worship each week is the sacrament of Holy Eucharist (also known as Holy Communion or the Lord’s Supper). In the Eucharist we share in bread and wine in remembrance of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection, just as Christ commanded at his Last Supper with his disciples. But we also experience the mystery of Christ’s presence among us here and now.
All baptized Christians, regardless of denomination, are welcome to participate in the Eucharist. When you come to the altar you may choose to receive the bread and wine, or just the bread. Those who have not been baptized may come to the altar rail to receive a blessing from the priest if they would like to do so.
Coffee Hour
Following the service, we gather together in our Parish Hall for coffee and refreshments. We would very much enjoy fellowship with you at that time. So, please come and join us following the service. The ushers can assist in directing you to the Parish Hall.
Nursery care is provided for young children. Please ask an usher to direct you to the nursery.